GAAAAAAAH! Stupid internet! Sooooooo slow >_< It took at least 20 minutes just to get my update page to load. After this brief bout of whining I'm going back to bed. My time will be much more productively spent reading about Lady Mary Wortley Montagu than trying unsuccessfully for another half hour to leave feedback on eBay O_o
I banged my forehead on a shelf at work last night and gave myself a nasty scratch. It isn't deep or even terribly large, but it bled like crazy, as shallow scratches are wont to do. I purchased a box of Hello Kitty band-aids to cover the nasty scab I will undoubtedly have tomorrow.
Dear Last.FM, why are you recommending artists to me that are already in my library?! It is unnecessary and irritating. Surely you can find something I would like that I haven't heard of (or indeed listened to several times) before? Also, you really ought to be able to distinguish the difference between alternate versions of one song by the same artist...
Anything else to complain about...? Oh yes. Something that annoys the hell out of me--People who insist on referring to Regina Spektor as a Fiona Apple rip-off. What planet are you living on???
*Yawn* That's more than enough bitching for one night, I do think. Here's a positive note to end on:
This? Fabulous soundtrack. I checked it out after glowing reviews of the current tour production by
mmymoon and
vivcore. Not quite on par with Phantom or Hedwig or even Jane Eyre, and perhaps a bit too heavy on the disco beats, but a great deal of fun nonetheless. Or at least it seemed so at 2am. I will certainly look into catching the tour the next time it rolls into town...