'The Lesson' ~ John Barnard Whittaker

Nov 13, 2013 14:42

Still feeling a bit rundown. Not sure if it's a delayed case of con-based Nerd Flu, despite the strict regime of vitamins and herbal supplements I adhered to while I was away; or perhaps it's just my body's protest against returning to the unnatural horrors of the night shift. Regardless of the cause, I'm trying not to push myself too hard, concentrate on readjusting my sleep schedule, drink enough water, etc., in hopes that I'm just dealing with the expected low ebb after such a high energy weekend, and not actually coming down with a serious illness (the last thing I need right now >_<).

Anyway, FaerieCon updates are coming, I promise, though there may be a bit of a delay as I settle back into my normal routine. At the moment I'm going to follow on with yesterday's impromptu theme of tiny dogs, simply because wow, I don't think I've ever seen a more miserable dog in such an otherwise idyllic painting. Poor thing looks very much like I feel at the moment.

art, john barnard whittaker

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