Oct 23, 2011 12:43
[Cassandra wasn't doing well, which really wasn't that different from normal. But she could feel that things weren't right here. Which was probably obvious to everyone else, but it was worse than they could tell. It was much worse, and it was all bouncing around in her head, trapped in there and it wouldn't get out and wouldn't let her get out.
So she did the only thing she could do. She stopped exploring the rooms of reality and started pacing the rooms in her mind. It was safer there. She still wasn't in control of anything, but at least there weren't strangers whispering from the walls and darting at her heels. No, in her mind she could sink into the past and only worry about those ghosts and those wars that had already occurred.
She sat still, up against a wall, until a particularly loud ghost who said his name was John started talking about breathing water and wouldn't stop.
"Be quiet," she said. "Please, please be quiet!"
He wouldn't. So she got up and started walking again, fingers trailing along the wall. One caught on a nail and she stopped, the sharp pain bringing her back to reality at least a little bit. She looked at the red curiously, then turned to the wall and traced her finger along it:
What if we became ghosts and disappeared into the walls?]
!floor #010,
!event #013