
Sep 12, 2011 19:54

Follow the Gleam

To the Knights in the days of old,
Keeping watch on the mountains height,
Came a vision of The Grail
And a voice through the waiting night;
Follow, follow, follow the gleam;
Banners unfurled o'er all the world;
Follow, follow, follow the gleam
Of the chalice that is The Grail!

And we who would serve The King
And loyally Him obey,
In the consecrate silence know
That the challenge still holds today.
Follow, follow, follow the gleam
Standards of worth o'er all the earth;
Follow, follow, follow the gleam
Of the Light that shall bring the Dawn.
- Helen Hill Miller

Once a knight, always a knight...

Also, if anyone has ever pondered what I looked like as a child my brother has seen fit to bless you all with pictures. I was quite the looker, eh?

[Filter: Samael]
I realize I'm not one of your favorite people, as you're not one of mine, however I'm on a fact-finding mission. You rescued a woman recently, and those close to her are seeking information on what happened as she claims to have limited memories of how she got to be in the situation you saved her from. Anything you could recall, such as who had her or where you found her, would be of assistance. Thank you.

pollux, morgause, hathor, mordred

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