It's summer, there isn't much stuff to do (I mean there probably is, but it involves moving from the chair so no) and I only have books, uni stuff and an internet connection to keep me busy. So I'll be rambling about TV today!
First of all, this quote:
I just have one thing to say to you: I'm not that girl. (...) The girl who's turned on by this bad boy crap. I'm not skipping home to scribble in my journal that maybe you're a vampire.
It's from ABC's 10 Things I Hate About You, episode 2. I screamed. It may have sounded orgasmic.
Yes the Ledger replacement is very pretty. And has a nice deep voice. And reminds me of Cillian Murphy. And there is snark like in the original(s). But that line is what makes me consider my self a fan. I shouldn't be so excited because seriously? Not another high school comedy series FFS. But OMG YES!
/end 10 Things I Hate About You
So while I'm recovering from the shock of this wonderful, blatant quip, my Merlin season one review:
It’s cute.
Oh right. Elaborate. So ummm I like the shiny brand new 14th century castle (oxymoron?), Arthur in slow motion, Merlin's dimples, Uther's voice and Morgana's hair and dresses. And the armour. It's fun, only lightly treads into angst territory, it doesn't try to make things morally complicated *cough*. It's really amusing and sweet!
I don't care for the evil-of-the-week except for when it involves Artie in slo-mo, the fact the dragon almost always flies away regardless of the fact that he's got a chain on his leg, the ridiculous magic gibberish, the fact that Arthur always dashes rather dashingly (squee Sheriff quote) in a lethal situation and only twice has his daddy tried to stop him, and also that this show is going through the British Isles legends like a bear goes through salmon after hibernation and will sooner than later run out of crap*. But it's not really important as there is much prettiness to look upon and squee because Merlin is totally the sort you want to pinch his cheeks. Both kinds. And molest and give cookies to, ANYTHING TO BRING HIM TO THE DARK SIDE.
Plotwise it isn't saying much, there are generic plot holes and scientific bullshit to make even a ten year-old flinch (or am I giving too much credit to 10 year-olds, dunno) but I'm not really interested in the plot. It's television, and err the lack of tormented knights in black leather in thankfully keeping me from becoming too emotionally involved. In fact,
Shipwise? I don't know, the way it's going canon could be anyone with everyone else actually. If I had to pick conventional ship I'd go for Arthur/Morgana. Unconventional: Morgana/Uther. It is without question the most developed relationship within that show. And *sigh* I can't escape the angst. I crave it I think.
Now, how conventional Arthur/Morgana can be when in my head they are brother and sister (thank you Zimmer Bradley for the intro in incest btw) I dunno but YES. I did sort of kind of secretly shipped Arthur/Morgaine in the Mists of Avalon-as much as I remember shipping anything-even if it exploded in my face and probably made me dislike the stag king trope.
This is why I'm shipping them even if they are too childish in their bickering and rather clichéd antagonism (like the one with Meg the evil Sidhe where she tried to warn Arthur and everyone thought she was jealous ugh). I'm trying for excuses (care to help?)-for example they know they're bound to get married one day so they rebel against the (what they think is) inevitable. Then again we already know Arthur finds her attractive so maybe he gave her flowers or asked for her favour (colours? What's the term?) and she spurned him because he's a prick and she didn't want to be his prize. I liked Morgana in the beginning best when she was being distant and seductive because it fits both scenarios instead of secret!shieldmaiden or vengeful b/witch. Yes, it is very hard not to place her in certain female archetype roles but I suppose she was always meant to be one.
This is what confuses me. They are making all these gibes about the whatifs re the actual legends (for example Lancelot/Gwen/Arthur) and it's hard to compartmentalize. I don't know about the kids but someone who is even as little aware of the legends as me can't not be biased. However if Arthur/Morgana is given the Clark/Lana treatment I'm bailing from the show. Fair warning.
/end Merlin?
The other one is True Blood. I think I'm only watching it for the blond vampire. And Jessica and Hoyt now. Moyer is too caught up in the accent to act, Jason bores me, Sookie thankfully has been reduced to a regular cast member, aaand this is as much of the books I've read so far so I won't know what will happen next. I wonder if I'll be any less bored.
/end all?
*I'm secretly fantasizing that Merlin will discover he can turn into a dragon or is half-dragon. But this won't be the moment the show will jump the shark. When we get the leprechauns--that's when it'll have jumped the shark.