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phadria July 2 2009, 20:16:40 UTC
"It made me think that Guy loves Robin because Marian loves Robin"

though i have to say... i was a fan of the ghost marian scene.

In part because i am like the neglected and abused lapdog of the show that will wag it's tail drool when shown the slightest bit of affection.

And in the other part because she was SO PASSIVE AGRESSIVE CROSS WITH HIM!

"I have waited for YOU" and "always and forever my love" are obvious digs at robins forgetful behaviour
...I think perhaps we are not the only ones to hate kate.
yay marian!

also...if i ever have to watch RA die on screen again i will write to 'points of view' even if ann robinson laughs and calls me aa crazy fangirl!


mythopathy July 2 2009, 21:23:05 UTC
(Oh oh you're reciprocating the stalking! That's so sweet of you!)

"I have waited for YOU" and "always and forever my love" are obvious digs at robins forgetful behaviour
...I think perhaps we are not the only ones to hate kate.
yay marian!
LOL! I did not consider that. Boy, there's a heavy case of blueballs waiting for Rob in the afterlife. Better yet! Marian gets to gave heavenly revenge sex with Guy. Yaaay

OK OK I admit it. The most serious issue I had with the ghost Marian scene is that IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR! SO MUCH HAPPINESS *SOB* Why is it that my ships never get to have that?


phadria July 4 2009, 16:29:49 UTC
(of course am returning the stalking!)

Marian having lots and lots of revenge sex SOUNDS great
but i have been converted to Team Heaven
where everyone acts in character but everyone loves eachother
Guy, Robin, Marian, Allan, Izabella, Allan...
they all just loll around and CAPSLOCK over the good ol' days

and the costumes... wow


mythopathy July 5 2009, 15:33:48 UTC
I don't feel like I can convert to Team Heaven just yet. It's a good idea for lolz but I can't be properly serious about it. CAPSLOCKING is the way to get over the oh! woes indeed.


endcredits July 5 2009, 15:12:02 UTC
I really, really want to hear Terry Wogan read out your 'Points of View' letter of Armitage Dying Woe.


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