Gloom and doom and dark despair and all that

Jun 26, 2009 22:15

OK, OK this line, "In case you're wondering what the fuck happened, Michael Jackson has died. Therefore, ONTD exploded. Therefore, Livejournal died." from ONTD made me ROFL.

Too insensitive of me? It's not like I'm laughing at the news. 3800 or so comments on that entry and just as much on the actual announcement. I'm so wow-ed by the force that is the Internet. Plus I've maxed out my bad news quota of the week anyways.

See, I have been KO-ed for two days now by an illness the symptoms of which I shan't divulge because yuck. I seem to be recovering however, yay. Let's break out the bubbly! The world is a happy place! Oh and I've missed an exam. And the world is ending tomorrow.

EDIT: It appears that the world is ending today. Robin Hood's 3x13 seems to have gone online.

EDIT 2: Surprisingly, the world is still intact, if littered with used tissues.

rl, robin hood, la vita e bella

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