Meme prompt: Seven interests

Apr 26, 2009 19:19

Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

big bad wolf:
I have a vivid image of seven huge wolves walking on their hind legs like men (I think they even wore pants and vests like in some illustrations) coming towards me showing their teeth and claws. I woke up my entire family with my yelling from that particular nightmare. Mom says  my kindergarten teacher made up a story in which we killed the wolf and put it in the back of a pickup truck and buried him in the woods afterward. I think this is the reason that my dream car at that age was a pink pickup truck. Now big bad wolves are werewolves: urban fantasy books (Patricia Briggs, Kelley Armstrong) and movies (Wolf and Bram Stoker's Dracula). And like most of my childhood rediscoveries this 'interest' is not very healthy. Unlike my friends I would still choose werewolves over vampires.

Ah, my first internet-based love. They have broken my heart and mended it back together more times than I can count. They introduced me to mary sues. They introduced me to adult writing. They brought me conscious denial of reality. They made me read Deathly Hallows. It's been Draco/Ginny since 2003 when I was waiting for the OoTP book to come out, and I had to calm my anxiety somehow and discovered almost accidentally (thank you Elfwood) fanfiction. It was of course the Draco Trilogy. One of my Top 5 fanfics of all time. Am afraid to go back to it now as I have grown a little cynical. D/G made me see outside the box. I used to think of JKR like the god of the hp world. Now she's a brick in an ever extending palace. She's not even the founding stone. D/G was my beginning, my deflowering if you will:P Also I am under the impression that any two romantically involved characters could be twisted into a D/G story...

hades and persephone:
The original Beauty and the Beast. It's more tragic though isn't it? Hades' domain isn't under a curse, it's gloomy and literally dead and Persephone is basically payment to Hades for getting stuck with it. There's a--mural I think is the word, at a tomb of the royal tombs of Vergina in Greece depicting the story from the kidnapping to the pomegranate seeds to the final blessing of the marriage by Zeus. Plus it's a mythological explanation for the seasons and how cool is that?!?!?

historical slash:

Hmm, I'm not particularly interested in real person relationships but man, there are some aspects of history that can be intriguing. Richard the Lionheart and Philippe Auguste of France, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti (come on their rivalry is legendary!), Alexander the Great and Hephaestion, etc.  Lion in Winter is of course the main instigator but Stage Beauty was a little more thrilling.  I admit to waiting for Little Ashes with Robert Pattinson because Dali was cool back in the day. And it's of the past century so it should count. Woot for the new millennium.

E.B. Leighton, J.W. Waterhouse, Burne-Jones, Millais, Rossetti all of them make me melt! The use of light! and deep colours! and the fantastical themes and poems!!! *siiiigh* For me they depict the ideal, the romantic and the unreachable. They set my standards of beauty and if I stare too long I get melancholic. Favourite paintings include: La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Mermaid by Waterhouse, Meeting at The Turret Stairs by Burton, Rosetti's Venus and Hunt's Lady of Shalott. If one could fall for an object any of these paintings should be it.

retold faerie tales:
As a teen I discovered that many modern authors use traditional fairy tale themes and twist them to make dark and delectable stories. Being fed a steady diet of disney this was a shock (dude, Tanith Lee's White as Snow? brilliant but uncomfortable nonetheless). Then I stumbled on an article that used a Sleeping Beauty example to show how in the beginning faerie tales were much more dark and explicit than the victorian and modern censored versions implied. Sleeping Beauty not woken up by a kiss but from her twin infants suckling from her breasts? True, but try Anne Rice's version. Eros and Psyche turned into East of The Sun and West of The Moon and both are amazing stories but how sweet is Edith Patou's East/North Child? Robin McKinley's Spindle's End, Diana Wynne Jones's Fire and Hemlock, Elizabeth Marie Pope's The Perilous Gard, Martine Leavitt's Keturah and Lord Death (this isn't technically retold but I had to put it in) are some of my favourite books ever. Disney doesn't cut it anymore.

the goblin king:
Charming villains with dramatic hand gestures, flair and glitter? Are you kidding me?!?! TBPH I started reading laby fanfiction before watching the movie. The movie gave justice to the existence of so much fanfiction; it's like--errr--Star Wars for chicks! But Jareth is magnificent. He shines among the goblin stock. He wears gloves! And there are rocks that look like him if you stand a certain way. For a child he would be scary. But for a woman he's all illusions and masks like a labyrinth you have to solve to find his true self (pun right?). Am seriously considering buying a statuette of him. I'll wait for sales tho. Ooooh K.L. Morgan's (klmorgan ) A Forfeit of Dreams is also in my Top 5 fanfic list!

septimal seven, books, meme

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