(no subject)

Jul 14, 2011 22:41

I don't know how much the rest of the world has heard but two days ago 2000 tonnes of explosive material blew up a naval base and a neighbouring electrical plant here in Cyprus. As of tonight 13 people are dead and 60 or so injured of the mutilation and burn kind mostly. For an horribly inexplicable reason those 2000 tonnes were stacked together, obviously because someone authoritative ordered this, and were left to cook under the sun for two and a half years even though it was a forest fire that finally did the trick.

I am currently harbouring a deep hatred for humanity right now because somehow being human means being petty and cowardly, accept all the injustices happening around you only so you can an excuse to produce some back and of course to not care.

oh my god the world, incoherence, epiphanies

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