Why can't I edit myself? Srsly.

Nov 03, 2009 00:13

My life is deteriorating--albeit slowly--into the premise for Yes Man which I think is the reason I liked/sympathised with the movie in the first place. Not that my hot Molly Sims wife left me. Or that I have a wife. Dammit, at least Jim Carrey's character had a legitimate reason.

Thankfully last week one my dearest friends came for a visit in la belle Salonique to bring me out of my hermitism. It was fun. I had missed our talks. It's so nice to ramble about personal theories on social, anthropological and natural phenomena with people who can follow my reasoning and tolerate the rambling too. She's the kind of person you would call a ray of sunshine and the exact opposite to my pessimism/cynicism so it's a challenge to be like that around her. She actually talks to clowns (!).

She flew out yesterday after a six-and-a-half hour delay. There was an incident in which her boyfriend scolded her for having spoken her mind to an airline official. She explained why she did it--tbh the particular airline has a penchant for being inconsiderate to a very damn loyal clientele--and he was all (paraphrasing along with translating here) 'there's no point to arguing, it doesn't change a thing, the flight is still delayed' and the usual self-righteous babble one falls on when one doesn't like public conflict with strange people.

So I found two things wrong here. First, she was right; it wasn’t about flying on schedule but the fact that they didn't bother to forewarn the passengers and putting them through unnecessary tribulations. And second; he should know by now what my friend's like and that she's the 'do not go gentle into that good night' type. Honestly I might have reacted like him if I had been prone to snapping at that moment but I think/hope I've grown out of this reaction as it reminds me of far too many of my parents' arguments. And this behaviour kinda verifies my generalization that my countrymen are wimps for all the menacing scowl thing they’ve got going on.

So, after spending the delay time with my friend and her bf in the overpriced airport café I went home to catch up on Merlin. Beauty and the Beast was a good reminder this show is about the camp more than it is about the angst and that I, the tends-to-obsess-fan, need to seriously chill out. And while I was at The Box a day after Halloween I downloaded BBC's Dracula of 2006 with Marc Warren as the titular count.

I was offended at how much of a cardboard villain they made him out to be, this treatment being the one thing they kept from the original and the most boring. To make myself clearer, I couldn't even ship him with anyone! FFS! It was like a PG rated horror movie made by an 80 year-old fearing his also senile audience would die of a heart attack at the sight of excessive blood or sexual tension. The only sympathetic characters were Lucy, Seward and Van Helsing but I mostly blame the acting for that because every character was heavily underdeveloped.

The script SUCKED. To prove my point I tell you this: there was a secret society. So yeah. I was not at all pleased with the overall. Mina did nothing else but whine; Holmwood was weak, abusive and conceited and the fact that he didn't have sex with Lucy was not enough to redeem him; Seward came out a little on the stalking if excused side and I'm still not sure who the protagonist was. David Suchet gave an interesting and convincing variation on Van Helsing, Warren was not very tempting or scary as an evil, one-dimensional, completely depthless bloodsucker who should by definition be able to make rocks smoulder. Alas he fell upon a blind, pretty much nothing else Mina and he only got two scenes with potential-riddled Lucy. On the plus side, Tom Burke! Quit the theatre darling, too small an audience and I can't follow your career. And keep your hair away from your face; you need the clear forehead to even out those magnificent cheekbones.

Also? Also, there's meant to be a connection between Stoker's Catholic aversion to promiscuity and vampirism as an STD so they had to screw that symbolism up by giving Holmwood (that Dan Stevens is the blandest actor ever btw) syphilis. If there was meant to be a parallelism between the situations of the two persons well they forgot to make Dracula into one.

I can now cease to talk about the stupid movie and try to finish a certain RH fic that I never meant to finish anyway; it's good that my lord the Sheriff is such a good plot device. I should be dissertating (Webster says that's a legitimate word. Cool) instead obvsly. But tell that to Skins' S01 waiting for me. Btw, those kids, they bring out my maternal instincts. It's scary.

And for last a link, for cat persons. I recommend Fly Guy and Cat Man Do.

merlin, rl, robin hood, recs, movies, tv

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