When it comes to being resolute

Oct 14, 2009 01:08

OK, so I recant my previous opinion. Merlin 2x03 wasn't half as bad as I thought. I wasn't watching, see, I was uuh practising my string figures. No, really, I don't even remember how it got to Chase killing off James Earl Jones in House m.d..

But anyway, next to this week's clusterfuck (aka Lancelot and Guinevere) I had to go back and re-watch The Nightmare Begins and so I changed my mind. In fact I found the Morgana/Merlin interaction very touching. Even so, BBC you have no taste in writers. Terry Gilliams has a point there:

"It’s become like a Hollywood studio - an inverted pyramid with a tiny bit of talent at the bottom, supporting a mass of pointless bureaucracy on top."

*sigh* Never you mind though, here's an old meme:

--Pick up to 15 pairings you like.
--Describe them in up to 15 words. (I'm sorry I thought I was doing riddles)
--Get your friends to guess.


1. Prince Jerk with a great destiny, legend says this beautiful enchantress-to-be brings his kingdom down.

2. Jerk/heartless wizard with a complicated life hires this enchanted cleaning lady with hidden talents.

3. Two fraternity presidents. Their lovefriendship is so secret. Like mystically secret. Pericles' love life secret.

4. This vainglorious vampire is an authority figure. Loved his maker and cried for his demise.

5. Doctors. Best friends. Snarky. Suck at life. They'd do morally questionable things for each other.

6. They both try to erase each other from their memories. Love doesn't work like that.

7. She's cute and obsessed with germs. He has ridiculous hair and loves singing. Both teachers.

8. The king and queen of NYC and the most awesome and devious of onscreen couples.

9. An earl and his servant, ex-crusaders, became forest dwellers. Not so merry after all.

10. An old-timer recently crippled is this jerk and his brother's father figure. Hunters. Emotionally unavailable.

11. Secondary characters in cliché vampire story. He's a dealer she's self-destructive... and maybe dead.

12. He's the head of a network, not a farmer. The other's a devoted page.

13. What's the fucking difference between agent and manager anyway? Well, they both work for Vince.

Anyone want to play?
ETA: Come on ppl, one more left, lucky 13!! Ok ok two more hints: Lincoln Continental. HBO.

merlin, house m.d., tv, meme

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