Characters: Mordred, Hemera, Open to anyone on Team 4 nearby (please try to adhere to some kind of posting order so no one person dominates the threads)
Date/Time: Wednesday afternoon, 05/18
Location: Brighton Heights Church (white tower)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, possible violence
Summary: In order to survive the Apocalypse people need to work together. Mordred decides to make that happen.
When the clock had struck midnight, Mordred had been sitting in his living room cleaning out one of his many guns. Wearing just a pair of jeans and smoking a cigarette, when he came to he was fuming. Quietly, calmly fuming. Doing a quick self-check, he was annoyed to discover that all he had with him was the clothing he was wearing, the items that were in his jeans pocket (smokes, lighter, and pocket knife), and a towel that he'd tucked in his waistband for polishing the chrome of his gun. All in all, a few things he could work with. There are twelve basic rules of survival, and thankfully Mordred knew all of them and was willing to teach others.
After checking the network and discovering someone else nearby, Mordred looked around for something to put on his feet. The gutted apartment he'd woken up in yielded little by way of useful items, though he was able to find a pair of work boots that were slightly big on him along with a paperback novel that was only half-destroyed. Tucking the book into his back pocket; it could be used if they needed to make a fire later; he set out to find the girl at the church.
It took some effort, but eventually he was standing out front. After being let in, he introduced himself to Hemera and took a quick tour of the area. There wasn't a lot to work with, however the church had all its' walls and so far was the most in-tact building Mordred had seen. He directed Hemera to keep a watch for others, and set about making the place as defensible as possible given their limited resources.