Characters: Arthur, Polyxena
Date/Time: January 23
Location: NY Presbyterian
Rating: TBC
Warnings: None
Summary: Arthur gets a visitor.
Arthur was feeling a bit better. This mean he was feeling impatient. It was time for him to leave but the doctors wanted to keep him in for a bit longer for observation. He couldn't imagine why. He'd had clear scans and he'd had a blood transfusion and, really, he felt fine. He didn't much like taking regular painkillers and perhaps he shouldn't had made this feeling known to the nursing staff who seemed worried that, if he was discharged, he wouldn't look after himself. He knew they were a little perturbed that a young man like Arthur had no visitors but the truth? The truth was that Arthur didn't particularly want visitors.
In the end, he texted Polyxena. He had meant to reply to an earlier text from her but had been rather distracted by the hospital admission and all. He phrased his text carefully, saying simply that there'd been an accident and he was in hospital and he was perfectly fine, just in a battle of wills with over-eager doctors.