a year on i must really suck with this journal thing

Feb 15, 2006 18:12

once again valentines day sucked not becuase im single (though my fault agian) but because people on my course are retards and need to be told how to use a camera and a printer and get all confused and stare at you when you mentionb the word darkroom as if it is a mystical place which the acient egyptians used, because dave the wanker of the century tryed to cut up my negatives, or that andy hasnt even said thanks for me spending time and money to get the internet back online and that dawn has decided to become a clone of her bf and be all

"i know this i know that the new house im moving in is so great ben you need new clothes i want to give you a make over"

valentines is sucky and it will suck next year.

so in the last year what has happened well i went to the states did a project over there came back exhibited the project then had top explain it to my retard class. i got given the job as temp bar manager then got hte sack for needing compasonate leave so had to go home couldnt get any work so went back to uni with bills over my head and had to ask for my job back and spend 4 months trying to live do my course and have a full time job and miss christmas after christmas have money yay get a placement in the summer as a teaching assistant in a school working for the council in poland and continue working on my exhibitionat this verymonet just finnished editing some prints for my self portrati and need to think about packing for brighton tomorrow and decide if im going to disappear to the wheel tonite "it would be tradition drink loads the day before traveling to calm my nervesalso plan my trip to london i wanna go to the aop gallery the national portrait and the tate modern and see some sites so im gonna plan it now miss you the people who read it , hey i could use this as my diary for my self portrait na it will to honest and thats a problem with people on my course they cant take the truth if i had it m,y way i would just say strait out hey anna your fat and your is shite how the fuck do you think you are goinna become an advertising photographer when your work is uninspired and you have no imagination. but thats me honesty first unless its to people im seeing cause it aint the greatest policy.
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