My Halloween after school was cool. The actual night part of Halloween was spent doing homework and finishing my college applications and supplements and essays. Because while the rest of you sweet people have already finished. I've been procrastinating for about 50 bazillion years.
You ever wonder why things hit you at the most inappropriate time to ask them? Because I do.
*Share with me*
**Cause i need it right now**
***Let me see your insides***
****Or write me off****
*****Cause I'd rather starve now *****
******If you won't open up ******
Oh this was funny.
mythnroses's Halloween party:
bass_ace_429 dressed as Tobey Maguire riding a giraffe.
blinkypeach dressed as Optimus Prime.
eloquentfroggy dressed as a extinction.
eviox69 dressed as Gwyneth Paltrow.
girlinambulance didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
imtherealdickie dressed as Winona Ryder.
keitherikbrown dressed as the King of Singapore.
lanamariah dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Teri.
lillith__rising dressed as the Cardinal of Comfolata.
lostillusions dressed as a part-time webpage designer.
lunadium dressed as a Hoehns & Finken, Corp. employee, and it suited them disturbingly well.
mariomarie dressed as a devil.
mylovedrug dressed as the Big Power Ranger.
origami_violet dressed as a new superhero: Quin- Lad.
osirusx dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Sorceror of Burlington.
pearldragon312 dressed as a Care Bear.
renuka31 dressed as a goblin.
thetokengirl dressed as a 1990's grunge child, though it looked more like a squirrel.
trecooldrummer dressed as a bottle of Verdas.
vernination dressed as Toni Braxton's grandfather.
vinesofamnesia dressed as a rabbit.
xcrazylilmofo9x dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Crusty Chickentushie", though it looked more like Tori Amos.
Throw your own party at the
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