...And a happy new deer!
Well folks, here we are in 2025. January 8th. My mom's birthday. She'd be 100. Not an impossible goal since her own mother lived to be 97. Tough family. Survived cancer, strokes, heart problems and diabetes. A heart valve that was damaged eventually did it for mom. She was 79.
For myself, I've survived the holidays again, though the next four years are looking iffy for all of us. Each mornings news seems more and more bizarre. We'll see, and do what we can.
For the last 19 years I've been doing everything I can to hold my chosen family together and at the beginning of December it caught up with me. I was notified that I had to bring my back taxes up to date or the city would foreclose on the house.
This then was not disastrous, but the part that hurt was about 14K in penalties. and about 17K in actual taxes. I have to clear everything by May 20th 2025. I may end up in chapter 13 bankruptcy, we'll see.
What created the problem was that I was the only one working full time... until I wasn't able to work. The situation changed for my housemates and partner not long after I was injured. First my partner got a full time job finally and quickly earned three promotions. Then my housemate finally got full time hours and a raise.
That still left one unable to hold down steady work. But I'm a creature of habit and prone to avoiding confrontation so I didn't approach them about increasing their shares of household expenses until I couldn't ignore it any longer.
For myself, I'm stagnant on pay but still get a settlement check once a year to help out.
So there we are. Pretty much everyone working had their share double and once we go past the deadline it will probably have to rise again to cover Trumpflation.
The holidays were a subdued affair here due to all of this. And just after Christmas I picked up an infection in my right foot. The visiting nurse downplayed it and it delayed treatment by four days though I am now on antibiotics and recovering slowly. It'll be checked on the 15th for progress, but a bit of tissue had to be removed so the overall wound size grew by a centimeter or so.
Oddly enough, my job has kept me on the books for 16 months now with the expectation of being able to return to work. There was a two day window in October where they released me then hired me back; oops!
Well, I guess that catches us up for now. FYI I have no hesitation in accepting charity or a short term loan. Just saying.
Be well everyone! *hugs and Love*