Don't be too worried, just try to rember not to combine to two activities in the futer, and don't let this experiance sour you on either of them on there own. IM really drunk so Im going to stop typing now, but I hope you feel better.
I am soooo sorry. I just tried to call you, but your brother said you weren't home. It truly was not my intention to break plans, I was looking foward to hanging out with you. Around 5:00 I got a really bad migraine headache (I get them periodically, I think the night I met you I told you I was having a migraine), so I decided to lay down for a little while, and ended up sleeping longer than I should have. I feel awful about the whole thing, please call me when you get a chance.
Comments 4
if it makes you feel any better, i wrecked one of my tires and a hubcap tonight... i was at your apartment, though, picking up joe!
my body is still killing me. i'm worried... :\
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