Ah, life can be quite....well, you know what I mean.

May 24, 2012 00:28

This week has been...quite BORING. Well, not completely. There have little moments of wild grinning fun bursting through the dreary clouds of despair. Like last week in my class. I think you'll get a kick out this guardian_chaos, you were the one to give me the idea after all! ^.^

Alright, the problem was I sat next to a very obnoxious girl in this class, and seeing as this was the last class before finals, I wanted to try something that chaos suggested to me; make the seating arrangement so undesirable to this person that they find somewhere else to sit. And boy did I do it with awesome success. I picked out a girl who had kind of been scorned by the class for her oddness. ( I LIKED her, she had spunk and reminded of a female version of Sam Winchester) I had talked to her before and we got along just fine. Well, I just plunked myself down next to her and described my dilemma to her. All, I can say, is that I loved her response. She grinned and said: "Heck yeah, I'll do it! I can't stand that chick and it'll be awesome to mess her up! Plus, I'm bored." Twas very fun and the look on the girls face when she came into the class and saw scorned girl in her seat was priceless. My new friend and I shared a high five under the table. That had to have been one of my best times in that class, besides the vatican cameo episode with my teacher. So thank you, Chaos, for that AWESOME idea! :D Totally made my day!

......I failed that class though. Not even my amazing Sherlockian teacher could help me in this aspect. >.< I hate math so much. Give me words and I can do anything you want me to do with them; give me numbers and I'm as useless as a rock. I'm going for a English major; I don't need numbers! *sighs* I hate college sometimes. It doesn't help that almost everyone I know is trying to make me change my major. They say English majors don't make enough money; you won't have a good career as a teacher; you need to do something that will have you set in life. The only problem with their thinking is that I don't know what else I can do. My main talent is writing, I love reading, I love discussing books; I want to teach literature to the masses. Anything else just seems...wrong. And I'm sure as heck not going to do something I don't love just to make a lot of money. The point of a career is to make money by doing something you love. So, to put it quite nicely to the masses:

Loki knows what he's talking about. :P

And speaking of Loki, I saw the Avengers two weeks ago. I am still JAKDKJSLALDSKALKDSLA:DKSAKlA over it. I've seen it twice more since then. I just love that movie so much. I love EVERYONE in it. Hats off to you Joss Whedon; you did a marvelous job. And thank you for Jossing me as well. It makes me happy to know that you still like to rip the souls out of people, you sadist.

Another happy note in my life is that I had a surprise kitten yesterday!

He came from my one-eyed, long haired, solid white cat, Pirate. We didn't even know she was pregnant, though I should have guessed because she has only one kitten once a year, and it's usually around this time that she does. (Last year she had two but our terrier, Molly, found them and killed them. I was not a happy camper.) Katniss, my beautiful calico, has been helping Pirate keep the dogs away from the kitten. All the dogs are terrified of Katniss. She rules with an iron claw. :D Though in reality, the only dog we have to worry about is Molly. The others love kittens and have stood guard over them in the past; Molly just has the misfortune of the terrier rat-hunting blood in her. Katniss' older kits, John and Isis, were very curious of the little newborn as well. Pirate even let them come up and sniff her kit for a moment before growling them away. The little boy-kit is nameless at the moment but I'm sure the right name will waltz along up before too long.

Ah, looks like there was a little bit of a rant in this post after all. Oh well, it wasn't that long and look! It wasn't depressing! :D I am very tired now, so I will say goodnight and leave you with pictures of some of the animals that rule where I live. Enjoy!





Pirate (no, she's not diseased, I promise. She was just a stray with a hard life before she ended up at home and now she gets regular vet checks):

Goodnight everyone!

Thank you Chaos for giving that brilliant seating plan! >:D

signing out life for dreamland, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep, this is probably the longest entry i've , i'll accomplish important stuff tomorrow

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