I am so trying to write more but somehow it keeps slipping by me. So here with a few quick updates....
Allergy elimination diet update:
I am mostly done with it. I still have to try a few things like pineapple and eggplant and need to seriously go back and isolate oats. But I had some good results.
I can eat wheat! yay! I cannot eat corn! boo! And I am totally off soy. The big clincher for me was noticing that ever since I had eliminated it since November, that my monthly visitor came back regular as clockwork. And having had no regular visitor in years and with the PCOS and pregnancy issues, this was a definite eye-opener for me. Now I can do things like soy oil as the allergy is to the protein, not the fat. And as long as I am careful about soy lecithin, I can do it in moderation (as I won't give up my chocolate!). On the dairy front, hard cheeses are ok. soft cheeses have to be taken with a lactaid pill. I am just trying lactaid milk. True, I could just stick to goat's milk - but even the low fat stuff is almost too thick for me and I don't like to drink it (and its very expensive). I might also try a non-pasturized milk - I have a friend who says its the only way she can drink it so it might be an option for me. we'll see.
Thor got a long term temp job that matches well to his previous job skills and his current educational certification he's trying to get. At the very least, its a leg in the door of experience and I am all kinds of happy about our finances. And he seems to be enjoying it which is what matters, really.
My sister,
frappybabe, is coming home tomorrow after being in europe for 4.5 months. Though I won't get to visit right away as she has another obligation with my other sis,
ilovecrayons2, I am glad that she and JJ (
suntalkerfilms) are finally home. Which reminds me, I need to ask him if he has a director's clapboard.
And this just made my day:
an email to the president of our org from a co-worker...
I am assuming now that the Undisclosed Landowner meeting has been schedule for Wednesday that I am not needed. At one point it looked as though it might happen yesterday and in that event I had told Cecelia I could participate. I have a conference call regarding Cheyenne Mountain at 1:30pm on Wednesday already scheduled.
By the way, you should know that Cecelia handled this semi-crisis on Friday exceptionally well. She spoke to all three parties (i.e. the new owner, another landowner and the Energy Rep) several times on Friday, at a point when everyone was very excited, and she single handedly was able to get the energy company to hold off on their planned road constructions until all three parties could meet. This was not an easy task and Cecelia handled it with personal and professional skill.
I thought you should know this.
(And the prez commended me right away! Not that what I did is out of my bounds of what I do every day. It was just nice to be noticed for a change.)
I am going to see Wicked this Thursday with a bevy of good friends and I am really looking forward to it. Yay!!!!
I had some bloodwork done and a few tests raised some concerns. But the new blood work came back all happy and thus, so am I!
Oh and double happy day - if one's death is allowed for *some* rejoicing - Jerry Falwell's gone to meet his maker. All I can say is that it is bound to be one interesting exit interview! Or another way of looking at it - quoted from a friend - "Karl Rove will do anything to get the U.S. Attorneys purge out of the headlines." I do not wish for anyone's death, but I know this will be a better world without him.
Oh and I uploaded some pics to my flickr account this past weekend - some were way overdue.