Before the shortest day ends and the long night turns

Dec 21, 2008 20:38

Just time to extend the blessings of the season to all my friends:

On this the shortest day, I wish you the warmth of the smoldering Yule Log, and the light of the returning Sun reflected in the flame of candles, the twinkling of electric bulbs, and the glow in children's eyes.

I wish you the strength of community and clan and the blessing of the love of family and friends within your heart, even if you believe yourself to be alone.

I wish you the safe embrace of the Long Night to protect you and nurture you and the illumination of the Moon and stars to guide you as weather the storms of deepest Winter. I wish you opportunity and growth in the wake of these harsh times, like the land around you ~ you shall be cleansed, fresh and ready for the impending spring.

I give thanks for all that I have and all that I have yet to gain or experience. I look to the Night to nourish my intellect and as the Days grow longer I shall use what I learn this Night and all the Nights to come to Serve, to Love and To Grow. I wish each of you the Peace and Joy you have bestowed upon me and mine.
Solstice Blessing  By Morri--Morrigan Sidhe.


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