When life sucks ... make icons that say so!

Jun 23, 2008 20:15

Have been having a bad couple of weeks - work stress and battle fatigue mostly.  I felt the need for an 'Arrgh!' Icon, but didn't have one to hand ...

So tonight I made a few.  Along with some 'life sucks' and 'having one of those days' because they might come in handy too.  Haven't decided which ones I'm going to use, yet, but thought I'd share the ( Read more... )

icons, fannish things

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Comments 5

chriselora55 June 23 2008, 20:54:44 UTC
I'll snag No. 21, The doctor, if that's ok.

Thank you for sharing.


mythichistorian June 23 2008, 21:25:09 UTC
You're welcome. :-)


phoebesmum June 23 2008, 21:17:39 UTC
The job suckiness is a thing of great suckitude. And my feet hurt.



mythichistorian June 23 2008, 21:31:59 UTC
One keeps hanging on in hope ... but it gets very tiring after a while. *sigh*

Much, much sympathy for sore feet. {{hugs you back}}


anonymous June 25 2008, 19:32:43 UTC
Trying to make you feel better. Love the icons, especially the Giles' ones. I am rereading all you fics again. Currently on Long Sea Crossing. You're still one of my faves. Sorry about job and life suckage, but it can get better. Feel good. Vehnu (Sherry)


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