'Neverwhere' moment

Jul 26, 2007 19:05

I was in Westminster today.  Had an excellent meeting, albeit slightly sad because it's the last time that particular group of people will work together that way.  Said all my goodbyes and 'nice working with you' and headed home, hoping that I could get home, because the rail service on the West coast line has been a little subject to flooding just recently ...

Got to the tube station and headed down the escalators towards the Jubilee line.  There are three sets of escalators down into the bowels of Westminster.  The middle set is having the middle section refurbished and it was all boxed off, leaving one going up on one side, and one going down on the other.  Nothing wrong with any of that, you might think.  Maintaining the escalators is vital work and prevents accidents, right?

Except that, as I passed the screened off area, there was a sign on it that caught my eye.


And just for a moment - a moment, mind - I was in that other London, wondering if there really was a void on the other side of the door - a deep, endless pit of nothing, where fallen angels howl their rage at eternity and nefarious assassins plot ways to return to the world ...

Then I was past the door and heading down the escalator.

So I shall never know.

But I half wish I'd been brave (or bold) enough to stop and open the door so I could check ...

fannish things

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