Yuletide and other literary efforts

Nov 03, 2006 18:35

I think I must have signed up for Yuletide in a moment of bemused madness because - really - I have so many things I'm supposed to be writing, that volunteering to do something in addition to all of that, and to a very tight deadline no less, has to be a sign of incipient madness.  Or something.

However, my assignment arrived today.  I blinked.  Gulped.  Re-read the request, and then finally cracked a smile.  Because writing fic for that will be the perfect anodyne for the stress of academic panic that I'm going to be dealing with for the next few weeks.  My Lit review is due for December; it has to be 7500 words, and every single one of them is going to feel like a pulled tooth.

Compared to which, a fic of 1000 words (and probably a bit more) is going to flow like wine and taste even sweeter.  Cherry ice-cream perhaps.  We shall see.  :-)

And if you are the lucky(?) person who got my requests ...

Thank you.  For volunteering.  For considering my requests.  And for obviously being fond of something I love, because otherwise you wouldn't have offered it.  :-)


Don't panic, because whatever you write I shall be happy to have inspired something, and I'm sure I'll be pleased with the end result.

Please feel free to consider my requests as suggestions, rather than directions - I like plot, but something that explores character or concept will be equally welcomed.  (If you can manage all three, I will be both awed and impressed.  *g*)

If you can weave a little magic and mystery  into the tale (Yuletide or otherwise) you will hit several of my buttons and add to the warm glow of my Yule celebrations.  Actually, that's probably not at all difficult with at least two of my requests, and not that hard for the third either - so I shall probably be able to tick 'that warm and fuzzy feeling' off the Christmas list ...

and finally

Relax.  Have fun.  The  Winter Solstice is still six and a bit weeks away ...  :-)

I'm on leave next week (well, barring a trip to London for a meeting, and one morning I have to go to Rugby for an area forum) so I can buckle down to tackle my Lit Review.  I've got all my articles linked to my keyword mindmap, I've written my 'I'm not going to cover this bit' introduction and I've managed just over 800 words on Assessment, so I'm off the starting blocks.  With the hurdle of reviewing Structuration theory looming ahead of me ...

I have a feeling it's going to be a long week!

doctorate, fannish things

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