That letter meme

May 06, 2006 08:40

There's a meme going round at the moment that prompts you with a letter and challenges you to identify ten words that start with it.  I was tagged by
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Comments 21

phoebesmum May 6 2006, 08:12:40 UTC
You know one person who doesn't react to lavender as they should. C'est moi - it gives me a heddake. Go figure.

Am arguing for lilac bushes for the garden (remember what the Orcs did to the ones in TH!), but we were flummoxed last year by our inability to find same under 'l' in garden centre. Apparently 'lilac' is technically 'syringa'. Who knew?


PS phoebesmum May 6 2006, 13:17:06 UTC
V boring on LJ today, which prompted:

Xena - fannish element #1;
Xander - fannish element #2, and that is the extent of my knowledge of fannish Xs. No, wait! -
X-Men, The - although I have only seen the fillums, but that Hugh Jackman's a bit of all right, like whoa, and that means:
Xavier, Professor - which should be pronounced 'Zavier' not 'Ex-avier'. By that logic, we could count in X-calibur;
X-box - I've never actually seen one of these, but they are v popular amongst young people, I am told;
X-rays - everyone's had a few; and there is X-ray vision, which Superman has;
Xenophobia - everyone has a bit of this, too, but mostly we lie about it;
Xenogamy - cross-species pollination. I'm sure this could have a fannish or at least a science fictional application. Jack Cohen could probably supply details. Rather too many details, I suspect;
Xylocarp - YES I AM READING THE DICTIONARY, DON'T JUDGE ME - a woody fruit. Name one! (Errrr ... the coconut. Yes. I Googled for it);
Xylophone - a particularly redundant musical instrument unless ( ... )


Re: PPS phoebesmum May 6 2006, 13:37:47 UTC
How are the mighty fallen? That's how completely I had forgotten The X-Files, which we watched so faithfully for so many years. There was also a show called Mutant X, but it was crap and we can continue to forget it.


Re: PPS phoebesmum May 6 2006, 13:50:01 UTC
It's all some kind of conspiracy, I expect ...


gileswench May 6 2006, 15:22:59 UTC
Wow! A full list of X and one of Q! I bow before you both.

As to the L list, such a delight. Languid is definitely the word for feline repose.

Now excuse me...I think Nanny Ogg has gotten into L Space, and that's a terrifying prospect for everyone.

Then again, maybe I'll just watch Labyrinth again and have a full-on David Bowie-induced drool attack.


mythichistorian May 6 2006, 15:41:14 UTC
Well, you can't go far wrong with a Librarian and a heap of cats, can you. :-)

We should be safe with Nanny Ogg - she's probably just perusing the bawdy cookbooks again.

Enjoy your Bowie fix!


gileswench May 6 2006, 15:56:41 UTC
I <3 Nanny Ogg's bawdy cookbooks!

Alas, Mr. Bowie will have to wait. I'm taking the opportunity while my beloved is sleeping in to commit ficly smut. My first ever G/Olivia! It's turning out rather deliciously.


mythichistorian May 6 2006, 16:05:50 UTC
Ooh. I'll look forward to that!


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