A new addition to our family.

Apr 08, 2006 21:07

Hey everyone!  This is Anu.*  She's just become cat number five in a five cat household and is busy making herself right at home.

The rest of them aren't entirely happy about this, but we're sure they'll get used to her eventually. :-)

She's just under a year old, and very purry.  A real cuddle cat (although we'll see how long that lasts ...)

Click on any picture to get a better look at her.

Anu and Bast

Anu and Bast (2)

Anu on all fours

Anu in kitten cute pose

Anu pretending to be grown up

The white streak goes all the way down ...

Goddess in repose

*Short for Anubis.  Yeah, I know.  But we aren't the ones responsible for naming her ...

my photographs, rl, cats

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