Only One Day Left

Oct 19, 2011 10:43

The refrigerator is empty.  Well technically there are a few sodas, three beers and what's left of a bottle of wine.  But no food.  Meaning the rest of my meals before I leave tomorrow afternoon will likely be eaten out unless I want soup.

The trash man came this morning.  There is now nothing in the house or the trash toter that could spoil or stink up the place while I'm gone.

Tonight when I get home from work there will be a last load or two of laundry then packing.  I'll have the suitcase and backpack done before I go to bed.  I expect I'll drink the last glass or two left in that bottle of wine as well.  Then hopefully some sleep before I come in for a half day of work (where nothing will get done).

Between getting home from work tomorrow and when the car comes to get me I'll turn off and unplug the computer and TV, set up the timer on the lights, turn off the ceiling fans, and turn back the water heater to vacation.  Water the plants, write out some phone numbers for B- just in case she has problems while watching the house, and do one last idiot check to make sure I have everything.

Then the car will come and I'll be on my way to the airport and adventure in parts of the world where people are currently rioting.  Some have voiced concern about my choice to go to Greece, Italy, Egypt and Israel, what with all the rioting and violence.  I will admit that I have some concerns as well - concerns, not fear.  I am paying attention to the news, watching the alerts from the state department, etc.  I am not stupid, I am always cautious....and I'm still going. 


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