Jun 26, 2009 15:46
I am really, REALLY pissed at my state's legislature right now. They couldn't come up with a budget during the regular session that ended on April 29 so now they are in a special session, paid for by my tax dollars, to come up with a workable budget by midnight on June30. You would think that they would understand that they need to compromise in order to keep the government running, wouldn't you? Nope. Both sides are pulling the same shit they did in the regular session. The Dems, who control the House, want a one-year budget (instead of our normal two year one) and want to actually increase spending on education. Despite the fact that we are in a recession, unemployment is up and revenues are way down. The Republicans, who control the Senate, want a two-year budget, want to cut spending, and will only agree to a minuscule increase for education. I should note that Indiana has a surplus in a rainy day fund that we have so far not spent. The Dems want to fund their budget by raiding the savings account. The Republicans want to hold off on doing that in case it gets any worse.
Now I am not a huge fan of the Republican party as a whole or of most of the members who represent my community. But the shit that the House Democrats are currently pulling is ridiculous. How in the hell do you justify an increase in spending during a recession? Just because Obama did it with his stimulus bill doesn't mean that it makes sense for this state. This is a battle of wills between the House and the Senate and the losers here will be the people of Indiana. This thing will end up going down to the wire (or past it) and what we'll end up with is a budget so full of crap that we'll be paying for it for years to come.
All because grown men and women would rather act like overentitled five year-olds instead of like responsible, intelligent adults.