Folk Tale Seminars in Perth, Scotland

Mar 01, 2006 23:16

Hi everyone, my dad was harrassing me to go and look at his website that he's been working on, and I was looking in the Events section and came across something that might be of interest to people here. (Please also pass this along to anyone you know that may be interested!). From here:

Folk Tale Seminars 2006 by Robina Pye
Folk Tales (or fairy stories) are ancient and wonderful stories that come from the deepest levels of our soul. Speaking in the symbolic language of the unconscious they are teaching stories dealing with the major challenges of life, the dawning of sexuality, leaving home, marriage, the birth of a child, the death of one’s parents and the themes of youth, maturity and old age. Their purpose is to guide us step by step through life’s important transitions and to take us into the wisdom of maturity.

Folk Tales are like a dream, and working with them is to make the tale, the dream, our own; integrating and incorporating its value and teachings into our life.

Of fairy tales Julienne McLean, a Jungian Analyst and Spiritual Director writes in her book ‘Towards Mystical Union’, “…the psychological and the spiritual constantly interpenetrate - informing, relating to and nourishing each other. The Spirit touches us intimately in our dreams, in myths and fairy tales … the worlds of depth psychology and spirituality lie very close together and must constantly seek to learn from each other.”

In these seminars we will be approaching the tales from the perspective of Jungian psychology. By allowing our imaginative response to the tales to be evoked and from our experience of life, poetry, films, story, art, scripture and the symbolic language of the unconscious, seek to understand its message and its teaching.

Dates: 19th February 2006 & 19th March 2006
The seminars will continue throughout the year omitting April, July, August and December.

Time: 2.30 (prompt)-5.30pm
Cost: £18. Please phone The Orchard to book.
Place: The Orchard, Kilgraston, Bridge of Earn,
Perthshire. PH2 9HN 01738 813618

Seminar Leader: Robina Pye is a transpersonal psychotherapist and a registered member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). She has a private psychotherapy practice, works as a consultant & trainer, runs seminars and groups in dreamwork and folk tales and leads workshops in Transpersonal psychology. She trained with Elisabeth Kubler- Ross on dying and bereavement and for many years has studied and worked with Jungian analysts in the psychological understanding of dreams, spontaneous drawing and folk tales.
Contact on & 0774 557 3391

To find The Orchard come off the M90 at junction 9, head for Bridge of Earn & follow the signs to Kilgraston School. When you have the school gates in front of you turn left and follow the road until you come to Garden Cottage. Enter by the second gate.
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