Dear Jocy and Shaina and Haiku

Jun 03, 2008 11:02

I am offically hooked on Nodame Cantabile. Jocy was the last straw ( with her Europe pictures etc )
I am now VERY addicted. I hate you both.  *goes to borrow Nodame manga*
Now the squee level of girliness will bloom endlessly as everything else in my life falls by the wayside.

Now for a Haiku!
Traditionally 5 syllables then 7 then 5. Apparently Matsuo Basho is the Haiku saint who traveled from edo .. or Tokyo to Fukushima and very possibly past my little YABUKI!!

The old pond
A frog jumps in
The sound of water
             By M( translation of the Japanese Haiku so the syllables are off)

Rain makes me blue
Pedalling hard and wet too
Now I smell like poo **

** We were teaching gr 10s about Haikus in Engl class and he asked me to write one.. I shared it w/ the class but he said I had to revise it.. =( **

Rain makes me blue
Pedalling hard and wet too
Now I smell sharpu/ rancid/ filthy/ grossu/ like you

I offered those to him.. I especially like sharpu because it combines the sharpness of the stink AND the smell of poo. Even if  I'm cheating on making the 5th syllable via katanaized engrish. Supervisor suggested frogS, but I told him the frogs I caught didn't smell and supervisor seemed troubled ( that they didn't smell I gather ) but maybe he is right, and it was just because I caught frogs who werent marinated in rain.
The trouble with dry rice paddies and the fact that they make up nearly the entire surface area of your little town.. is fertilization plus wind. Not only does it stink, and you try your damn best to pedal past as fast as your burning thighs and bursting lungs can endure, but I SUSPECT the wind picks up the particles of stink, carries it into the clouds only to rain down on you as you bike.

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