Apr 16, 2007 23:36
When Vince came back for Peiter's wedding I lost my cellphone on the 99bline. For those of you who know what it looks like, you know no one would steal it, or keep it if they found it.
I lose a lot of things, including perspectives on life. I'm long overdue for an update but I'll keep it short. In the end someone turned it in and a week later I went to pick it up. That day, I felt dirty and gross. As the lady behind the plexiglas handed me my hideous cellphone, she said, "You such beautiful hair, so long and strong".
"Oh" I replied, envious of her long dark doll like lashes, ".. ahaha... I've got to cut it soon."
Frowning she asks, "Ooooh but why? It's so niice!"
"Well I'm going to donate it to kids who have cancer, so they can make a wig out of my hair."
As I started walking to the door, this complete stranger said, " What a b e a u t i f u l person."
Interesting isn't it? In her youth this stranger must have been gorgeous and here I was admiring how pretty she was, when she was looking beyond the acne bloom, the cloudy glasses, and my unkempt hair and really complimenting a complete stranger. Then again, maybe she just has a hair fetish. Either way, it reminded me of something Sandy said, " God doesn't make ugly things".