STUFF. I don't know. 8C

Dec 29, 2009 18:37


I did it! I was mildly curious. 8(

I'M SORRY I'VE BEEN SO INACTIVE EVERYWHERE. I don't know why, but when I rp, I like to rp alone without people around because I get so skdfkjskdjf when people are around. 8C;;

Uh. Christmas was coo'. Not gonna lie. I ended up getting:
-20 'ollars.
-Scribblenauts, Kirby Superstar Ultra, Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks and an ACTION REPLAY
-8 GB iPod Nano (It r cute. 8) )
-An adorable charm bracelet. c: (It has a bunch of good luck charms)
-Mamoswine plushie. `w`
-Oh yeah, Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM

SPENT FOREVER AT REBEKAH'S HOUSE NGSJKDHFSGV. It was fun though. We sled, A LOT. And stuff. And I ended up hurting things on me. 8( It hurt. (Like my finger oh noes.)

I STILL CAN'T DEFEAT THE FIRST LEVEL ON CIRCUS PARK IN BILLY HATCHER. It's really difficult and stupid and augh. 8( I've gotten REALLY good though since the last time I've played it. And I've also been playing other stuff too, I swear. 8) Like in Scribblenauts I really love how cool things are in the HUGE dictionary list it has. (Really, I totally didn't type in GIANT ENEMY CRAB for fun and actually GOT it. xD; )

And other stuff happened, it was cool. And I also can't remember the other stuff.

vidya games are hard, that typo meant a lot to me 8c, billy hatcherrrrr 8(, i am so dumgb, it's almost chriiiiiistmaaaasss

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