OOC [character relations]

Jul 16, 2010 16:48

lol, look who's finally getting one up, only took me ten months.

THERE IS A STORY HERE. The story goes like this: Once upon a time, Teg said to herself that she should make a character relations post! She had much to cover though, so she thought first she would make a list of all characters she could think of he had interacted with. She did, and wrote it down neatly and carefully, and then proceeded to put it in a secure place.

You can see where this is heading.

SO having lost that, I would like to apologize profusely to all the people I know I have missed, please do not take it personally, just. Kindly inform me that I have missed a character. And I will fix it. orz so sorry.


Cara: BFF. Dear friend of his, probably the one who knows the most of his secrets. He finds her fun and cheery, and very easy to talk to on accounta how much they have in common with each other--royalty, warriors, healers, SNES-era FF characters, etc. Was utterly horrified, then, when his evil twin chose to attack her. She and Reed are the only people left in the Sphere who know his station in former life.

PINGS: Rydia--mostly bbRydia, sorry Cara D:

Reed: BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER. The other person who knows him best on accounta living together, and the rest of his secrets. Paladin thinks that he owes Reed a great deal, due to Reed's continued kindness in giving him a nice place to live (doubly so now that they live in an upscale Section 4 penthouse). Sparring partner, confidante, advisor, epic bro, epic bromance, etc. Have visited the theater together.

PINGS: Kain, both on accounta appearance and the whole bfam thing--but the "positive" Kain, as it were, not "Mr. Backstab."

Eternity: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Paladin's Edensphere brother, thus the inheritor of his immense brother issues. Plus all the manipulative evil Eternity can dredge up. He's gone now, but he's left Paladin with PILES of guilt and regret and a secret glad-he's-gone that he stifles madly to feed into MORE GUILT. Which should make Eternity happy. Brother, hero?, dreaded, kinkmeme partner. We hear he's coming back soon, in which case Shit Will, likely, Get Real.

PINGS: ohai Golbez how you doin'. Plus the "negative" Kain, not the "bfam" Kain. The leftyness too.

Lezard: >_>;;. On the one hand: YAY he gave him a job! On the other hand: yeesh can you BE more of a creeper. On a similar hand: He is damn good at what he does! Paladin respects that. On one more hand: Sir please don't make me work overtime and sleepless shifts in harem pants ;o;. And on one last hand: dear god, the muffins. Now, having established that this CR entry has five hands (like Lezard): creeper, beholden to, boss, molester, fellow medic-type. Just wait till he finds out particulars about Reinhardt.


Simon: :>! Fellow (and superior) medic in the clinic! Not much CR yet, but Paladin deeply admires him for all he has helped him and taught him. He's not yet aware that Simon feels inadequate around him because Paladin has magickal healing powahs, and would be surprised--given that he feels inadequate around Simon for how much he KNOWS. Somewhat interested in/worried by his relationship with his sister Qi. Fellow medic, brother-issues-person, pretty man, and woobie. D'aww so cute.

PINGS: ....kind of like a bizarre Edward-Rosa mishmash. Rosa for the healing expertise, and Edward because....just kinda everything else.

Kazahana: If she ever mutinies against Lezard, he will so help out. jsyk. Anyhow, another medic he admires both for healan and fightan prowess. Feels a certain kinship with her after the evil twin event, but has yet to speak with her about the whole affair.

PINGS: grownup!tsundere!Rydia. Little, lovely, and lord help you if you piss her off.

Rabbit: A great arteeste. Another medic friend (are you noticing a trend), Rabbit strikes Paladin as a great guy, very competent and very friendly. During the big fire, Rabbit was one of many Paladin failed to save (he was 0 for 4 on PCs, poor guy), so he still feels some lingering guilt about that.

PINGS: ...maybe a touch of Edge? and a grownup!Palom? Let me get back to you on this.

Genius: No one that spastic should be allowed near syringes. Yet somehow, he is competent! Paladin doesn't quite understand this. They don't interact all that often, mostly during the crises that the clinic seems to have more than its fair share of.

PINGS: Saying he pings him for Edward would be cruel to Edward. (lol kk ilu bb?)

Magi: ADORBS. He's a new medic, but he's just so cute and helpful and competent and cute that Teg Paladin just likes speaking with him. He fully supports all of Magi's attempts to bring charities/schools into the Tree.

PINGS: Porom and bbRydia, a bit. BECAUSE OF CUTE.

Sky: GO GO POWER RANGERS! Paladin trains him in ze ways of swordan and fightan. Is kind of jealous of his relationship with Inara.


Spear: Another new Spherian, her name and attitude drew his attention, and now his desire to help her out (poor thing came to the sphere at possibly the Worst Time Evar) keeps his attention.

PINGS: Table for one Mr. Highwind?

Locket: FELLOW MOEFACE. He thinks (probably correctly) that she has a crush on him, and has yet to tell her about the whole waifu thing. Bad Paladin? He's also incredibly grateful to her for saving his ass from Bernard. Phew.

PINGS: Rosa/Yang hybrid. Wow, fun mental image there.

Lady: Doesn't know her very well, but being that she saved him from a dragon, he's inclined to like her.

PINGS: Edward. Again. Jeez how does he know so many Edwardpingers?

Youth: BOISTEROUS BRUISER. He helped save Cara and for that he has Paladin's eternal gratitude. Asides from that Paladin is actually kind of amazed at how many people know Youth and he knows in return--how did he do that? He tries to keep speaking with him because it's obvious he has earned all the respect he has and, you know. Debt of honor for saving Cara.


Juliet: TRAP BRIGADE REPRESENT. Paladin is not sure what to make of Juliet. At once dangerous and demure, Juliet represents a sort of mirror image of some of the things Paladin thinks about himself--he's well aware by now that he is pretty bordering on effetely effeminate, but also capable of great violence. Juliet is like that too, but even more so in both extremes. Paladin is intrigued. You will notice that this CR entry used no gendered pronouns.

PINGS: ...None actually, excepting himself.

Castor: AXE THAT DOESN'T REEK. Paladin is interested in him, and his first interaction with him had a lot to do with the If Cara Likes Him He Has To Be Good theory (yet to be disproven) and perhaps one day they can swing axes at each other. Manfully.

PINGS: Yang. Rated M for MANLY. untz. erf. ugh.

Kagerou: omg how is she so CUTE. Another of the Adorbs Medics, she strikes him as sweet and fun. He'd like to get to know her well, and has a lot of respect for this sort of gentle wisdom she's expressed.

PINGS: Rosa. D'awwwwwwww.

Stoneface: WE FEW, WE HAPPY FEW, WE BAND OF BROTHERS. Paladin had always respected Stoneface for--everything, esp. the Watch (once he had it explained to him the difference between a Watch and a Guard), but THEN CAME SILENT HILLDERNESS. Now Stoneface and him have like bonded hardcore. So. Much. Respect for him.

PINGS: King of Baron and his father. I can't think of any party member pings, alas.

cr, fail teg is fail, absentminded tegfessor, ohgod ten months of cr, ooc, herpaderpderp, teg is a huge nerd; film at eleven

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