Unless I am hallucinating There's a giant hourglass in [long pause; he's looking around] Stuff Inc., by Housekeeping, and I am somehow trapped in the lower bulb.
Please, someone bring a hammer. And real clothes.
[OOC Note: Since this isn't on the plotting post! Prof and I came up with this--us players know that the damsels can only be rescued by women, but the characters don't know that yet. So Reed is going to try and help Paladin and fail miserably, and many lols at their expense will be had. If someone wants to volunteer their character to save the both of them and/or gawk and lol at Paladin, that's fine, but don't feel obligated; we can just handwave NPC-rescue (there's going to be much handwaving in this whole affair, actually). SO. that's the story, morning glory. o7]
[Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet--yes, Paladin is stuck in the giant hourglass from Disney's Aladdin, and yes,
he is dressed appropriately. Mwahaha.]