OOC [hmd/plotting]

Sep 23, 2009 10:04

THIS IS THE FEEDBACK POST and an excuse to use this icon because I will take any no matter how flimsy

first off CONTACT

I would like to be reached by AIM first and foremost, which is either metateg or ImaDodecahedron, whichever one AIM likes that :|

PM-ing this account is fine, though be warned that my failmemory means I often forget about PMs. orz.

You have problems with the way I play Cecil/Paladin? Suggestions? Advice? Constructive criticism? You want to plot or play with him? Any comments, feedback, ideas, crack, lols, whatever, if you can't find me on AIM or whatnot, just leave a comment here and then I'll get back to you and we can have some fun this beat is sick

contact, plotting, ooc, hmd

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