meme-type thing, or product placement

Jan 06, 2005 11:50

1. Where would you like to be right now?
In the arms of Sal, the beautiful poet from Laredo by way of Mexico I met (and drunkenly kissed! on the porch! right outside the door! in full view of everyone!) at Helios last night.

2. What did you dream last night? If you don't remember, or even if you just want to share, what was your best, most favorite or memorable dream you ever had?
I dreamt of Joey, my friend Drea's ex-boyfriend who I just learned last night died of an overdose this past June. I'd only hung out with him twice, first at a house party where we met, but he was funny-as-hell and a generous spirit. Joey made me rethink my opinion of white boys with dreads, wiggers, and dirty hippies. Like many wiggers, he spoke in Ebonics and used the n word more than I do (which is never) when referring to his friends. He didn't bathe often and refused to brush his teeth. But he was kind. Joey reminded me that people are complicated, and that life is too short to dismiss so much of it out of hand for the sake of personal politics. I'll miss him.

3. What do you smell like, I mean really, and if you want, lets talk about grooming!
I don't know what I smell like. As for grooming, I use this stuff for my hair when I can afford it, otherwise coconut oil or something along those lines; I brush with Tom's of Maine, use Tom's deodorant, shower with either Dr. Bronner's peppermint or lavender liquid soap (if it's a bar, I love rose or lemon!), and wash my face with Neutrogena for acne-prone skin (since I was 14!). Lately my skin has been changing, and it's drier than it was so I've switched to Kiss My Face olive and aloe soap. I shampoo with Nature's Gate. I use shea butter to moisturize, and for my scent I use mango or coco-mango essential oil. I get it these days from the French Market. I like to smell like something tropical, or like food. (Everything is intentional, folks; like something you'd like to eat!)


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