Sep 08, 2005 16:37
I have been browsing
I really liked this one (Because it is kinda like today):
OK, don't know why or how, or what the heck happened, but DAMN I am in a good mood, and so help me I'm taking everyone with me! :D
Ewww... the cat rolled in something sticky and now we have to wash it off.
Next time I'm getting a fish... a plastic fish.
I swear, I say this at least one time every day, but I'm sorry, I just don't get heterosexuals....
I spent most of last night staying awake and wondering how I'm going to afford existing...
I really need more time in a day to do all the things I'm supposed to have gotten done... that or I really need to learn to say NO more often.
Just once in my life I'd like to own a pet that wasn't bizarre. Just ONCE
Thanks to moron teens I have to show ID for OTC Sinus Pills. Sheesh, get high off WEED like NORMAL teenagers, jerks.
My brain is on continual repeat, and I'm tired of the song it's playing.
I'm not anywhere close to where I wanted to be at this age. When ARE you considered a failure?
And the funny part is, this is all the same person!!!!
The People Who Really Annoy Me
Wife Beaters
Rap Gangstas
Welfare Abusers
Probably Hate Me
I like it. On a side note, Kohl moved in with me....