I have finally got around to actually making some new LJ icons. I am not sure what I will use them on, but I like them nonetheless(sp?). Lately I haven't been doing very much but watching TV, browsing the web, working and hanging out with my friends Beth and Laura. I need to do something with my life. It feels so empty right now, but I am not sure what to do with it. Oh, well. I have also been having all types of nightmares lately about everything; work, relationships, life. What does it all mean? I dunno either. I am up for a promotion in the next couple of weeks, we will see how that goes. I have been trying to be more healthy lately. I purchased some weights to build up my arms and abs, and have been wearing a pedometer to see how far I have been walking everyday. I am going to watch some TV now.....
BTW: My New Icons:
My Car "I'm a Pirate & this is my ship"
Home Depot Mickey "Life: Mickey & Home Depot"
50th Anniversary
Movie Mickey "Action!!"