Missy reminded me I haven't updated my list of books read this year in a while. Not that I've read that many more books since my last listing. I know the whole "reading challenge" thing is to read 50 books a year, and I knew I wouldn't make it. It's more just to keep track and give small reviews for friends.
22) The controversial Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. I finished it, and in the end I suppose I liked it. I'd say it's worth reading. The story definitely picked up in the second half, but I'm still not entirely sure it was good enough to make it worth slogging through the first half. Eh, what do I know?
23-26) His Majesty's Dragon, Throne of Jade, The Black Powder War, and Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik. An alternate universe Napoloenic War tale with dragons as an air force. The characters are very engaging, the plots a little bit less so...I'd call it fantasy fluff, but it's it's pretty entertaining fantasy fluff. I definitely recommend them if you're looking for some quick entertaining reads. Oh, and I originally picked them up because I'd read that Peter Jackson acquired the movie rights.
And...I think that's it, unless I'm forgetting something. Haven't been reading much the last couple months.
But speaking of reading, I just found out that like Buffy has made the jump to comics with Buffy Season 8, so too
has Angel. Beware, the article does spoil some of the results of the final battle at the end of Season 5!