Mar 16, 2006 10:54
ok, possibly the WORST THING EVER happened to me yesterday. well, actually it was the day before but i didnt find out till yesterday. i failed my drug test. i thought i was good and safe n stuff but apparently i was wrong. i tested positive for nocotine and marijuana. sooooo now, im on LOCKDOWN. seriously. no phone, no internet (im at school), no friends, no going anywhere, for AWHILE! it REALLY sucks. i cant go anywhere for pring break and im gonna be on extra chores n shit. and yeah. i might not even be able to go to prom. my dad ALMOST took drama away from me. but naw. so for all the young'ns out there. the moral of this story is....DONT SMOKE! or do...and get caught but have a good time while it lasts!