Dreams: Star Trek and Gargoyles

Mar 04, 2014 00:17

It is perhaps very interesting that the two main things in my dream overlapped at some point while they were on.

The dream started with me working on the Enterprize D alongside Dr. Crusher. She was working on a cure for this strange blood disease and was using bizarre machinery to suspend the blood cells in zero gravity. As we are working on it we get teleported aboard an alien starship where this manta ray/Gargoyle creature (from Disney's Gargoyles) demands we help him in his research. He's wearing a strange sort of Egyptian outfit alongside his clothing. We try to resist him but he shoots these stingers out of his fingers into our brains which forces us to work for him.

Nothing else happened, but the visuals were AMAZING!

Long day was long. And very sad. But I will recover.

As an aside, I miss all the people that used to post on LJ. I'm not saying that because I crave comments, but I miss seeing people post about things longer then what you'd see on a FB message.
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