For those who were wondering ...

Jun 01, 2009 20:13

Oh, who am I kidding? None of you wondered where I've been.

But now that you realize I've been silent for the past two months, you may be wondering what I've been up to.

Let's see ... A brief update in no particular order, since my brain doesn't always work in chronological order ...

... I moved into an apartment ... My Dad and I drove down and helped my Mistress, madamotaku, move from Oklahoma to move in with me a few weeks later ... I went skydiving for the first, and probably last, time of my life if she has anything to say about it ... She and I are still getting used to living with each other and each other's quirks and idiosyncracies ... My paternal grandmother passed away over the weekend after years of failing health ... I was given an introduction to winch-launching of gliders ... And madamotaku actually allowed me to take her for a ride in a glider. (I'm willing to elaborate on any of these upon request, not that I actually expect anyone will ask.)

And I suppose I should do a reading update, too, while I'm here. However, since most of my reading is done at work while on breaks and lunch, and I've had company lately durign those breaks, I haven't done as much reading as I would have otherwise. I've also been too busy to go to the bookstore and get much in the way of new books. Most of the stuff I've read since the last time I've read before at least once. A couple of them have been read enough times that I couldn't even guess how many times I've read them by now. Anyway, here's the list of books I've read since last time that I can remember that I've read since last time.

Another Fine Myth and Myth Conceptions by Robert Asprin (Both previously read)

Summer Knight and Death Masks by Jim Butcher (Both previously read)

Psi-Man: Mind-Force Warrior, Psi-Man: Deathscape, and Psi-Man: Main Street D.O.A. all by Peter David under the psuedonym of David Peters.

Reviews in brief:

Since I've read soem of these before, I'm not going to bother to give any sort of reviews for those, which means I'll just be talking about the Psi-Man books.

Psi-Man is a series of books about Chuck Simon, a man living in a not quite post-apocalyptic world. The environment is in shambles, the sun is never seen due to constant cloud cover, and the Bill of Rights has been repealed since no one ever used them anyway. He was a quiet, unassuming guy who did nothing wrong as far as the law was concerned except have telekinetic abilities that he refused to use as an assassin for the government. He also has a telepathic German Shepherd sidekick who happens to be the size of a horse. Not a small horse either. The series feels like rather generic scifi, which seems understandable since I think these are some of Peter David's earlier work. I do like the interaction between Chuck Simon and his dog. The two of them often find themselves in situations in which they have to avoid the government agents who are searching for them. Serves Chuck right for being a Quaker who feels the need to help anyone who needs help. Not Peter David's best work, but readable and enjoyable in their own way, and certainly a lot better than some books I've read.

That's it for now. Eventually things will settle down here and then perhaps I'll be able to post more often.

And maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.


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