Eternal forest

Aug 18, 2007 00:39

This is what I've come to understand from time being alone in and with the forest.

The forest is indifferent, you are nothing just one more leaf on a tree that someone might eat. And that someone someday will die and its carcass shall rot on the forest floor and give soil to new trees and new leaves.
The eternity is cold, inhuman - non subjective. Eternity is real while we - our sense of time and identity - subjective, imaginary.

We live in a fragile world held together by the walls that we have constructed around the consciousness of our civilization and society, and the private consciousness of our mind.

That which is beyond we call many names - death, void, eternity, god. But what happens when the walls come down? We become to ourselves that which we feared and that which we worshiped. But as the walls are only in our minds we are that which we silently fear and worship.
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