Jun 24, 2007 21:27
I think I have nailed down creation myths, but it is hard to put it down in writing... Any way, I'll begin right in the middle of it all, and I apologize for the grammar, but I first put down this text in Latvian, so it may have some weird sentence structures.
Creation myths don't speak of or refer to the creation of the material world. They speak of the act of comprehending and giving substance/meaning to the manifestations of the objective/natural world. But it could only happen simultaneously and not previous to the creation of language. Like Navajo indians say "Speech is the outer form of thought, and thought is the outer form of knowledge. And knowledge is the awareness of the primordial constituents of the universe".
Humanity created its world with language, with the first word. And where there is one word, others must inevitably follow.
Any word is a generalization, fiction, a metaphor. We look at light and say "light". And by doing so we have created light in our consciousness and the consciousness of humanity - light, which will later in all cultures be associated with enlightenment, clarity, God, holy. But this "light"/"svet"/"gaisma"/"lux" is not the objective light, it is only our idea of light, and a thought about other things associated with it.
The objective light is best described by a physics formula, not language. But the best way to comprehend it is without the associative filters of our consciousness, but just to look at it without using language.
And the first humans created all the human world by naming all the things, and from these names associations, metaphors, comparisons, etc. emerged. All that has little to do with the objective reality. And thus first humans had created their world, the world of humanity.
To create a new world in a mythological sense means to create a new meaning of the world and its laws.
With speech the human world was created. Before speech there didn't exist the subjective world of humanity, the world as we see it, understand and comprehend it today.
Speech allows us to think conceptually about the future, past and present, speech allows us , with logical, associative and other links, to link past with the future, speech allows us to subjectively and conceptually create/imagine other/alternative worlds. Thus with speech religion was created, and before language there couldn't exist a religion. Speech makes it possible for human creativity and art to be.
Before language the prehuman mind belonged to the chaos, to the objective reality and its dynamics. The prehuman wasn't the master of his subjective world, the prehuman couldn't create (fictional, potential, possible) worlds. With the first word human created his (mytho)world. The universe of humanity began with a word.
In creation myths a new world isn't created, it already exists, exists something from which forms and objects emerge - primordial chaos, sea, darkness. There exists an unknown world with no maps and no names.
With speech and words first humans made this unknown into known, humans through language put this unknown into their comprehension/consciousness, they gave it meaning and laws. They then could freely operate with these conceptual objects, conceptually think about them, create (fictional) worlds, perception and ideas, philosophies and religions.
With this creation or the language of creation humans created such concepts as "God", "light", "stone", "tree", "human".
Examples are various and many, from the creation myths of the american indians, to ancient egyptians, greeks, christians, australian aborigenes. Read them!
Creation myths speak of that moment when humans first created a word, a language, of that moment when what previously was chaos, became law and order, and meaningful. Creation myths speak of the creation of the subjective world of the humanity, of the creation of all of which the foundations among other things are the archetypes. Creation myths speak of the creation of human.
Before that only a prehuman existed, a creature without language, religion, culture, conceptual thinking, art and science.
It's very important. It means that creation myths for us open a window to our most ancient origins, to the very roots of humanity and the ways prehumans saw the world before us.
We are too immersed in our own creation - language - subjective world of the humanity. We have largely replaced the natural world with our subjective/conceptual one, conceptual objects, not natural ones.
It doesn't mean that our conceptual world is less important or true, or real, but it is real in other way. It is real for our subjective mind, but it is not real in relation to the objective world, not in the sense as the nature of light or energy can be revealed by a physics formula.
Don't use language when thinking about the natural world.
Use language when thinking about concepts such as en*light*enment, honour, friendship, etc,
but don't think "tree" when looking at a tree. don't think light, when looking at light. Just look and take it in your psyche without using language and metaphors, take it for what it is, for it's a miracle beyond the capacity of human language.
To conclude: through creation myths we can research humanity, understand our as humanity's true being and look at the world as prehumans did. Through creation myths we can understand how we created humanity, and how humans created the world in which we live in.
And God said: "Let there be light!" And there was light. And God saw the light, and it was good.