dollie photo post! O:

Nov 04, 2012 18:24

Met rotem at tenshi no mado in Harajuku last month. We brought our chibichibis along, and there were a bunch of guys there (yeah, men!) hoarding the photo room with their gothic-loli girl dolls.. xD; Later the Volks employee added our little ones to the group...
(my little boys were the only boy dollies in the room... sadly for me ;p)

Oh yeah, I should probably mention I live in Japan now 8D

And I'm sorry, but I don't have any editing programs on my new laptop so using LJ gallery resize and that's it :/

My first chibichibi, Yuya.

rotem's adorable little girl, Pino.

my littlest chibichibi, Haruhi.

We managed to catch a sofa!

The guys there made me feel like such a bad owner with the gentle and careful way they handled their dollies. I just tossed mine in a bag in my backpack lol (at least this time they were wrapped and had face covers, but still! so dirty and yellowed compared to those gothloli dolls...)

Lots of girls!

Finally, the Volks employee took our chibichibis and put them with the girls... (spot them if you can!)

And some more of our chibichibis :)

japan, bjd

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