The game that I've been working on for the past few months has been getting some
mainstream gaming blog press recently, so I thought I'd post about it. It's called Kriegspiel, and it's an adaptation of a war game designed by Guy Debord (situationniste extraordinaire). There's no AI, so you have to play with someone else, but there's a good chance you'll find someone waiting in the lobby if you download the game and log in.
It's a surprisingly subtle game, both complex and complicated, and it really benefits from the adaptation to the computer-I don't know how Guy and Alice kept track of movement ranges, sums of attack/defense coefficients, and lines of communication without a computer. (We've debated about whether or not this is a good thing-the game has a completely different tenor when you're playing it on a physical board. It almost becomes more about trying to find your opponent's mistakes, rather than playing strategically. Maybe that's what Debord intended? I dunno.)
My role in the project has mostly been as a programmer, working mainly on the prototype phases of the game (first in Processing, then in OpenGL, then in
jMonkeyEngine). Nowadays I'm only putting a few hours a week into it, but it's been rewarding to be a part of the development of an actual, honest-to-god game from start to finish. (Well, it's still in beta. Almost finish.)