Sick; sicky sick. What started as a petite cough on Wednesday progressed through somnambulatory achiness on Thursday, on its way toward today's full-out hippie virus music festival (east stage: post-nasal; west stage: my bronchioles). In the meantime I've been too dazed to do real schoolwork, too listless to engage in meaningful leisure activity, and too wound up to sleep. I really should sleep. Sleepy sleep!
Game status updates:
- Can't make it through Area 5 of Rez. I've tried it about fifty times. Is it just a matter of practice, or is there some trick? (This is the original PS2 Rez, not your fancy-schmancy Rez HD.)
- I'm about 12 hours into Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, and I'm wondering when it'll start to get fun. It's pretty and everything, but the controls feel haphazard; the game's only real strategy lies in choosing your Espers before each round, which is only kind of fun. It is definitely not nearly as addictive as FFTA. Kind of a shame. Oh, and that stealth level was terrible, absolutely terrible.
- I played and loved the demo of Immortal Defense, and I'll be picking up the full version when I have some cash to spend on games. Good work, wynand...