Sep 12, 2004 17:11
Bowling on Friday was great fun. I bowled very well, too well for the first night. Will have to remedy that this coming Friday. Tubbing after bowling was great also. I do love to soak in hot water! I hope this becomes a Friday night ritual. I need something to replace this summer's Thurs. night bowling! And Mark had better join us from now on!
Saturday was one of those stay-at-home days. Never even left my yard! I did get the Bowflex assembled with help from my beloved Mark. Also got the dog bathed in her stinky medicine bath. You have to wonder what you are doing when you have to wear rubber gloves and protective eyewear to wash the dog! Damn mange mites. DIE, you parasites!
Today has been a typical Sunday. Went to the mall and got Cinnamon Butter Cream coffee at Beanarella's. Picked out some skirts for Kim at Panara. Dropped off the kids' school pictures to their dad, they were bowling. I was treated by him as if I was a frequent irritant that was interrupting his life, yet again. Sheesh. Try to be nice and look what happens. I tell you time he can just go buy his own damn pictures! Then to Target for various and sundry things...all for Kim again. Now I have a long, uneventful evening in front of me. Think I'll spend a fair portion of it in the hot tub!
Had a long talk with Kim last night....we both had a confession to get off our chests. I think it's all good now.We all make bad decisions, but sometimes we don't know they're bad until later. Sometimes we know they're bad before we make them! Live and learn.
Lev godt.