(no subject)

Apr 30, 2006 17:27

Bowling is over, and it is a sad thing, but hiking season is open and that is a happy thing! I'm very much looking forward to hiking, biking, fishing, kayaking, etc., etc., etc.! I got a great book about hiking the U.P., so should be able to find lots of new places to try out. Got myself a fishing pole too! Went out with Pete yesterday on the Escananba River and we both caught keeper brook trout. We also both snagged about 30 ticks, but that's another story (Picture us running into the woods with all our fishing stuff grabbed helter skelter and then stripping down to get rid of the ticks. A sight to behold!) Isle Royale is only 7 weeks away! Here I come, Moosies!!
I've been hitting the PEIF with Cashel, Kim and Katie lately. We have a good time and Cashel gets to get back at her personal trainer through us!
Another game night last night....good time, good time. And Norwegian meatballs are better than Swedish, aren't they Susan? hehe
Campfire with s'mores this evening, hopefully. Stop by before 9 if you want one!
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