(no subject)

Nov 26, 2004 10:16

thanksgiving: yummy and what not. having the whole thing catered was the way to go.

my sister forced me to get up at 5:30 this morning to go christmas shopping. holy christ on a cross, people are absolutely mad! pulling into best buy at 6:00 and seeing an army of soccer moms and tired dads flying around like nuts. it was beautiful.

best buy was selling a limited amount of labtops at 75% off or something and my sister was determined to get one for herself which is a problem consdering my mom just bought her a notebook 2 weeks ago to give to her on x-mas. luckily, we got there a bit late and they were all sold out. i guess people had been camping out all night. CRAZY.

but... dude. for $170 we got, 4 dvd box sets, 6 normal dvd's, and 7 cd's (and not shitty cd's you get out of the sad clearance bin either) --> ridiculous prices. $12.99 for dvd box sets! THAT IS ANARCHY. the line to pay was over and hour long wait and wined all the way back to the appliance section in the back of the store.

once again, people are mad.

afterwords went over to bellevue square which surprisingly, was not even that packed. had breakfast and shopped around more. starr brought me this which is the greatest stuff ever. kind of bad when i show her what i want and she tells me to go look away so she can buy it. would never tell her though. people who ruin surprises are not cool and should be shot many times in the head.

always feel a bit bad because she spends oodles of cash on me this time of a year and i can never do quit the same, but i do alright.

going out again later. this time with mum along. (!!!)
must sleep.

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