Drabbles, drabbles everywhere

Oct 15, 2008 08:49

Title: Finally Home
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Pairing: Aerith/Leon
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Phooey
Warnings: One bad word, yep
Summary: He knew what she was thinking. The same thing as him.
Author's Notes: Written for brokengem for this meme. Never writing this pairing again. Never ever never. Ugh!


They were home. Finally, finally home. It had been years, countless years, all the shit they had went through, people lost, their home lost, it still hurt. But at least now, now they could try and piece something back together again. Yuffie was running every which way, examining everything, Cid cursing at her, and Cloud following at a much slower pace. The place was desolate, broken-down, empty, but at least it was still standing, they could fix it, it would take awhile, but the place deserved that much. Leon had a frown on his face as per usual, hands in his pockets as he followed his friends, Aerith by his side.

He was surprised she was with him instead of scolding Cid for using such language around Yuffie (though she had heard and used much worse). She had her hands behind her back, a peaceful smile on her face, despite the look of the place. He knew what she was thinking. The same thing as him. She turned to face him when they stopped at a crumbling building that looked vaguely familiar, green eyes piercing him so much that he had to force himself not to look away. He was somehow not all that surprised when she reached up and kissed him softly. He barely had time to kiss her back before she pulled away, eyes bright, “We’re finally home.”

His eyes softened, “Yeah, I guess we are.”


Title: Coffee Break
Fandom: Power Rangers: Dino Thunder
Pairing: Kim/Tommy (Trent/Kira in background)
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Nooope!
Warnings: Tommy's dumb mind
Summary: All he had wanted was some coffee.
Author's Notes: Written for dr_tiffy for this meme. This one was fun, teehee. I heart Kim/Tommy, even though I really hate Tommy. Oh well, what can you do?


Tommy ran a hand through his spiky hair, giving a relieved sigh as he watched the kids leave. He adored those kids, really he did, wanted to help them as much as he could, but they could be so irritating sometimes. He refused to believe he had been that annoying when he was their age. He had to deal with Trent and Kira making out on his couch and Ethan yelling at Conner for messing with his laptop while Conner demolished everything in his fridge. Now he just wanted to have coffee with Hayley and rant for awhile. So, with that in mind, he grabbed his keys off the coffee table and headed out.

“For God’s sake, Tommy, close your mouth already, it’s rude.” Hayley admonished him.

“B-but…Kim?” Tommy sputtered.

“Hi, Tommy.” Kim smiled at him, hands wrapped around a mug of coffee.

Was that seriously all she could say? When did she and Hayley even become friends? What the hell was going on? All he had wanted was some coffee, damnit, not dealing with his ex, this was so not fair. She raised an eyebrow at him, “No hello?”

Oh, he could do her one better than that. He stomped over to her, leaned down, and kissed her soundly, her lips warm and familiar (even after all these years). Her eyes were wide when he pulled away, and he smirked at her, before speaking to Hayley, “Got any more of that coffee?”


Title: After School Special
Fandom: 90210
Pairing: Ryan/Silver
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Still not mine!
Warnings: Sexy fun tiems, underage relationship
Summary: “So, Silver, you know why you’re here, right?”
Author's Notes: Written for racheylish for this meme. Zomg, I love this pairing SO hard! It almost came out smutty too, heh. Went over the limit, meh, oh wells.


“So, Silver, you know why you’re here, right?”

“Of course I do, Mr. Matthews.”

“And why do you think you’re here?”

The pretenses were dropped as a wicked smile crossed her face, “Because I’ve been a bad, bad girl.”

He raised an eyebrow, leaning back against his desk, “Now what would make you think that?”

She didn’t bother to suppress the shiver that ran down her spine at the husky tone of his voice, “I just didn’t finish my essay on time.”

He pushed himself away from the desk, stopping to stand in front of her, “Exactly. Now how do you plan on making it up?”

“I can think of a few things.” She purred, before reaching up to him and curling her arms around his neck, bringing him down to her level, so she could kiss him tenderly.

He trailed his kisses to her ear, nipping on the lobe, “Is this one of them?”

“Maybe…” She curled her fingers into his shoulders, nails biting into his skin, “Would you mind if it was?”

He ran his tongue down her neck, causing her to moan, “Not one bit.”

“Good then.” She curled her fingers into the belt loops of his pants, pulling him even closer.

He had her on his desk, skirt hitched up her thighs and legs wrapped tight around his waist when she laughed. He gave her a confused look and she smirked, “We might get caught, y’know.”

“Like that’s ever stopped us before?” He reached down between them, stroking the soft skin of her thigh.

She gave a little sigh, pulling him that much closer, “Good point.”


Title: Not Your Average Fairy Tale
Fandom: Power Rangers: Jungle Fury
Pairing: RJ/Fran
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Warnings: ...none? Holy crapcakes, Batman!
Summary: When she was little, she had always dreamed of living in a castle.
Author's Notes: Written for the_beccaroo for this meme. Yaaay, another pairing that I love waaay too much. Well, 3 out of 4 ain't too bad! This one also went over the limit, meh, deal with it.


When she was little, she had always dreamed of living in a castle, so many rooms, that she'd never get the chance to explore them all. There would even be a moat. With alligators in it so nobody would dare to try and sneak in. But as she grew up, she knew there would be no such thing. No prince to rescue her from her monsters, from her fears, no picture-perfect family, no happily ever after. But she was okay with that. Really, she was. Mostly. Usually. Sometimes. Although, with RJ looking at her the way he was, she was starting to think maybe she had been wrong.

She had her castle. The loft. It was closer to a real home than anything else. And she had her family. The Rangers. They were crazy, but wasn’t every family? And she had her prince. Said prince was currently babbling a mile a minute, hands waving in the air to emphasize his point. She was so lost in her thoughts, she was tuning most of it out, and she smirked inwardly, and he said she babbled, he could certainly give her a run for her money. She was safe with him, this she knew, safer than she had ever been with anyone else. And he understood her, never looked down on her, never taunted her, always cared for her. And she loved him for it. Loved him so much, she thought maybe she would drown in it, but she wouldn’t mind it so much, as far as she was concerned, there was no better way to go.

His rapid word-flow was halted when she twined her fingers with his. Green eyes focused on her, laced with confusion, and she gave a light grin, sudden confidence injected into her veins. When she kissed him, his fingers curling into the skin of her waist, she felt like the princess she never thought she’d be. So maybe life was no fairy tale, but this was better than that. It was heaven.


humor, romance, angst, character: rj, character: fran, fanfiction, ryan/silver, rating: pg, character: squall leonhart, character: aerith gainsborough, 90210, power rangers: jungle fury, kingdom hearts, kim/tommy, character: ryan matthews, character: kimberly hart, aerith/leon, rj/fran, power rangers: dino thunder, rating: pg-13, character: erin silver, character: tommy oliver

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